Do you remember your favorite teacher? I do.

Private swimming lessons

I took my son to a summer course of swimming. I wanted him to be in a class with other children, but I was too late. So I said, “okay then maybe some private swimming lessons.” The moment I heard the price I doubted for a moment. I felt it was too high at first. Why? Don’t we all like and value teachers…

I couldn’t find an immediate answer to this question, but I had to think about the former street poet and artist John T. Unger. “A person walks by and says, “you changed my life man with this poem.” So John says: “Oh, Thanks, man. Do you want to buy a book for 5 dollars?” “Nah, thanks, I am okay.” So John says: “Geez man, what is your life worth?”

Bottomline: There is a big difference what people say and what people do.

The value of a great teacher

The slight doubt..gone with the wind after the first swimming lesson. I realized the importance of excellent education once more. At first, I was only watching and appreciating the way the swimming instructor taught my son at first. But then I saw how he engaged with all the parents and children around him. He was absolutely customer focused: Small talk here, small talk there and knowing all the names by heart. Nice to see this from a sales perspective. And he is absolutely enjoying the energy and people around him (do you think he knows his value in the B2B sales world? I know I do).

So I am watching my son swim with a couple of minutes left and suddenly, I know why. That’s it. I have my answer. I was reluctant to pay for the private lessons because I had more ‘bad’ teachers than great ones. A lot of my teachers didn’t inspire me, were not passionate and they weren’t problem solvers, but were just lecturing by the book. Just like a lot of sales that prefer to lecture, show knowledge or only talk like average teachers do (Are you still buying from them by the way?).

But I do value, great teachers! Great teachers don’t only inspire and motivate me, but most important..they will teach me the right things. You know what is really expensive?

Hire an average teacher to get started and then pay a professional later ‘to fix’ it.

Better sales people

The business community is screaming for better salespeople. And teachers are screaming for better wages (which I understand). Sales people aren’t the most appreciated people, but they have one of the best-paid jobs. And teachers are recognized by almost everyone but are, in most cases, underpaid. So there is a significant opportunity for great teachers.

It should be the right time to make a career move if you are a great teacher.

Let me give you three simple reasons:

1 – There is a lot of stress involved if you are a teacher. So nothing will change. Only the salary of course.

2 – Education has more value with the right audience. The bigger the perceived problem, the more value you can deliver and the more you will earn.

3 – You can pick your customers. Really? Of course. You can’t do that with your students, can you?

And ONE big challenge or opportunity

So are there only advantages? Yes. There is only a big difference in evaluation. In teaching, you are the one assessing your clients. In sales, it’s the teacher that will be evaluated by its customers every day and all day long.

Are you joining the sales club?